Brockton Writers Series

I will be appearing at the venerable Brockton Writers Series on Wednesday, September 14 at 6:30 p.m. to talk about a subject dear to my heart: writing and mental health. How do those of us diagnosed with mental illness (or who self-identify this way) sustain a writing practice despite multiple social and personal barriers? What insights and tips can we share, in the spirit of peer support and mutual aid?

After my talk (which includes a Q&A), we’ll be treated to readings by four incredible writers: Oubah Osman, Jennifer Hosein, Kimia Eslah, and Farzana Doctor.

Special note from Brockton Writers Series: As we adapt with current social distancing regulations, we’re happy to announce our event will be hosted in-person at the Glad Day Bookshop, located at 499 Church St., Toronto. We will also live stream the event on the Brockton Writers Series YouTube channel! The event starts at 6:30PM.

The reading is PWYC (suggested $3-$5) and features a Q&A with the writers afterward. Books are available for sale.

Update: Check out the Brockton Writers Series blog for key points and resources from my talk. You can also watch the recorded livestream here.


ATSP Is an Audiobook!


On the Vibrant Voices Stage at The Word on the Street